Women's Belts

This is an approximate conversion table to help you find your size.
If you have already purchased a Bally product, we would recommend that you select the same size as indicated on its label.
65 26
70 28
75 30
80 32
85 34
90 36
95 38
100 38.5
105 42
110 44
115 46
120 47
125 49
130 51

Women's Gloves

This is an approximate conversion table to help you find you size.
If you have already purchased an item by our brand, we would recommend that you select the same size as indicated on its label.
6 15
6.5 17
7 18
7.5 19
8 20
8.5 21.5
9 23
9.5 24
10 25
10.5 27
11 30