Project Collaborations

Project Collaborations

Creating new opportunities for innovation and sustainability.

Through meaningful collaboration, Bally Crafting Futures creates new opportunities for innovation and learning, utilizing new technologies and applications for industry progress.

In partnership with Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), Bally has launched a three-year project to digitize its 170-year-old archive, transforming historical artifacts into strategic cultural tools for future use, such as augmented reality experiences.

The Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI), or University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, has worked closely with Bally’s key stakeholders to help define the company’s first Materiality Matrix. This step marked an integral effort to chart additional GRI standards for the company’s annual Sustainability Report.

Zurich University of the Arts
Bally has a rich tradition of partnership with Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK), having first collaborated with the university in the 1930’s. More recently, ZHdK helped the brand in its 160th anniversary (2011), developed an in-store multimedia installation of Bally Posters (2018), and co-curated an exhibition, “Bally – Swiss Shoes Since 1851,” with the Museum für Gestaltung Zürich (2019).

Il Porto di Coenzo
Since 2016, Bally has supported Il Porto di Coenzo, a non-profit organization in Italy with a leather goods laboratory that engages and empowers people with disabilities, offering opportunities to gain skills and employment. During this five-year partnership, Bally has gifted invaluable training and resources, from critical manufacturing equipment to leather materials, the latter of which Il Porto di Coenzo's artisans make into unique accessories and home goods for a wide-range of companies, including the leather trophy for The Bally Foundation’s Artist of the Year Award.